PyPI’s XML-RPC methods


The XML-RPC API will be deprecated in the future. Use of this API is not recommended, and existing consumers of the API should migrate to the RSS and/or JSON APIs instead.

As a result, this API has a very restrictive rate limit and it may be necessary to pause between successive requests.

Users of this API are strongly encouraged to subscribe to the pypi-announce mailing list for notices as we begin the process of removing XML-RPC from PyPI.

Example usage (Python 3):

>>> import xmlrpc.client
>>> import pprint
>>> import time
>>> client = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy('')
>>> client.package_releases('roundup')
>>> time.sleep(1)  # Sleep to avoid rate limit
>>> pprint.pprint(client.release_urls('roundup', '1.6.0'))
[{'comment_text': '',
'digests': {'md5': '54d587da7c3d9c83f13d04674cacdc2a',
            'sha256': '1814c74b40c4a6287e0a97b810f6adc6a3312168201eaa0badd1dd8c216b1bcb'},
'downloads': -1,
'filename': 'roundup-1.6.0.tar.gz',
'has_sig': True,
'md5_digest': '54d587da7c3d9c83f13d04674cacdc2a',
'packagetype': 'sdist',
'path': 'f0/07/6f4e2164ed82dfff873ee55181f782926bcb4a29f6a83fe4f8b9cbf5489c/roundup-1.6.0.tar.gz',
'python_version': 'source',
'sha256_digest': '1814c74b40c4a6287e0a97b810f6adc6a3312168201eaa0badd1dd8c216b1bcb',
'size': 2893499,
'upload_time_iso_8601': '2018-07-13T11:30:36.405653Z',
'url': ''}]

Changes to XMLRPC API

  • search Permanently deprecated and disabled due to excessive traffic driven by unidentified traffic, presumably automated. See historical incident.

  • package_releases As Warehouse does not support the concept of hidden releases, the show_hidden flag now controls whether the latest version or all versions are returned.

  • release_data The stable_version flag is always an empty string. It was never fully supported anyway.

  • release_downloads and top_packages No longer supported. Use Google BigQuery instead (guidance, tips).

Mirroring Support


XML-RPC methods for mirroring support are currently the only methods we consider fully supported, until an improved mechanism for mirroring is implemented. Users of these methods should certainly subscribe to the pypi-announce mailing list to ensure they are aware of changes or deprecations related to these methods.


Retrieve the last event’s serial id (an int).


Retrieve a list of (name, version, timestamp, action, serial) since the event identified by the given since_serial. All timestamps are UTC values.


Retrieve a dictionary mapping package names to the last serial for each package.

Package querying


Retrieve a list of [role, user] for a given package_name. Role is either Maintainer or Owner.


Retrieve a list of [role, package_name] for a given user. Role is either Maintainer or Owner.


Retrieve a list of [name, version] of all releases classified with all of the given classifiers. classifiers must be a list of Trove classifier strings.


Retrieve a list of package releases made since the given timestamp. The releases will be listed in descending release date.


Retrieve a list of package names where those packages have been changed since the given timestamp. The packages will be listed in descending date of most recent change.



Migrate to using the Simple API.

Retrieve a list of the package names registered with the package index. Returns a list of name strings.

package_releases(package_name, show_hidden=False)


Migrate to using the JSON API.

Retrieve a list of the releases registered for the given package_name, ordered by version.

If show_hidden is False (the default), only the latest version is returned. Otherwise, all versions are returned.

release_urls(package_name, release_version)


Migrate to using the JSON API.

Retrieve a list of download URLs for the given release_version. Returns a list of dicts with the following keys:

  • filename

  • packagetype (‘sdist’, ‘bdist_wheel’, etc)

  • python_version (required version, or ‘source’, or ‘any’)

  • size (an int)

  • md5_digest

  • digests (a dict with two keys, “md5” and “sha256”)

  • has_sig (a boolean)

  • upload_time_iso_8601 (a DateTime object)

  • comment_text

  • downloads (always says “-1”)

  • url

release_data(package_name, release_version)


Migrate to using the JSON API.

Retrieve metadata describing a specific release_version. Returns a dict with keys for:

  • name

  • version

  • stable_version (always an empty string or None)

  • bugtrack_url

  • package_url

  • release_url

  • docs_url (URL of the docs if they’ve been supplied)

  • home_page

  • download_url

  • project_url

  • author

  • author_email

  • maintainer

  • maintainer_email

  • summary

  • description (string, sometimes the entirety of a README)

  • license

  • keywords

  • platform

  • classifiers (list of classifier strings)

  • requires

  • requires_dist

  • provides

  • provides_dist

  • obsoletes

  • obsoletes_dist

  • requires_python

  • requires_external

  • _pypi_ordering

  • _pypi_hidden

  • downloads ({'last_day': 0, 'last_week': 0, 'last_month': 0})

If the release does not exist, an empty dictionary is returned.

Deprecated Methods


The following methods are permanently deprecated and will return a RuntimeError

changelog(since, with_ids=False)

Deprecated in favor of changelog_since_serial.

package_data(package_name, version)

Deprecated in favor of release_data, JSON API should be used.

package_urls(package_name, version)

Deprecated in favor of release_urls, JSON API should be used.


Use Google BigQuery instead (guidance, tips).

search(spec[, operator])

Permanently deprecated and disabled due to excessive traffic driven by unidentified traffic, presumably automated. See historical incident.